#BibleStudy Covering 'Why Friends Don't Immediately Fact-Check Friends' ... because 'Friends #Agree without Evidence' (#ChapterByChapter #VerseByVerse #WordByWord that #TheBibleSays #LordJesusSaid #Matthew18Nineteen)

'The word that pops out in the Scripture I'll quote' (below-hyperlinked to BibleHub's interlinear translation of it) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Agree” is built on ancient words that mean "To + that which Pleases (|Welcome, to |Favor)" (to |Assent, give Consent, Satisfy, Receive with Joy). #Agreeable #Agreeance #Agreement #Agreed #Agreeing #Agrees
The Biblical Greek is συμφωνήσωσιν (symphōnēsōsin)--translated "Might agree"--also used where it translates "to Call out with, to be in Harmony."

The passage (in Young's Literal Translation of The Gospel) is where Lord Jesus Christ is telling His disciples how crucial it is that the things you believe are agreed-upon by everyone on your family/team/group, when He says:

I always took that to mean, 'Believe what your brethren tell you. Trust that they've checked their facts, and that--if they're wrong--then either 1) their sources got it wrong or 2) the facts have changed since they first learned them; but either way, you'll learn the truth together.'

Reflecting on this verse, I'm seeing where Christians get the misconception that Our Heavenly Father makes things go right if you pray.

The truth: things go according to natural laws. (If you want to say "Our Heavenly Father wrote those laws," fine.) Your prayer is usually 'your announcement that you hope those laws turn conditions favorable for you.' (And praying your prayer, you feel like your hoped-for results have "the stamp of approval" from Our Heavenly Father and -from all those who hear your prayer and say "Amen.")
