@LateShowColbert & @POTUS Fail to #Satisfy the Catholic Contract of @StephenAtHome & @JoeBiden | #DenialByOmission (I Accuse them of it, but immediately Defend him) @EtymonlinePosts @HistoryNet #Dissatisfy
I explain how Stephen Colbert 'forsakes his holy responsibility' (and you can MAKE MONEY BY RESPONDING) in a forum linked through 'that word' below; but--although I might expound-on-it below the subscribe-bar--first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)
The word “Satisfy (\ #Satisfaction #Satisfied #Satisfying #Satisfies #Dissatisfies #Satisfactory #Satisfice (yes, I guess that's a word; 'implied in #Satisficed' 🥴 #Satisficing))” is built on ancient words that mean "to Make-, Do-, Perform- (Set-, Put-) Enough."
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Biden also 'forsook' the Epiphany ... for similar reasons ... |
Stephen's monologue last night (January 5, 2022) harped on the sad occurrence one year-ago today--the violent protest of a bunch of ... I don't want to call them "sore losers," but more like "disappointed fans" (the way some Oklahoma City Thunder-fans might be upset at the referee for making a call that costs them the game, Trump's fans were mad about 'an honest counting of the votes')--
and Stephen's monologue (like President Biden's speech the next day) harped on the attack so-heavily that he failed to mention a more important event we celebrate today.
In Stephen's defense, a) he's not the only one in charge of his monologue's subject-matter, b) there's time for him to mention ALL the events of January-the-sixth (eventually) and c) he is one of many-many victims of the KGB-style hypnosis (a.k.a. "propaganda") that has them convinced that our government is a democracy.
"But our government is a Democracy!" I imagine the sheeple protesting. "All the 'talking heads' and 'political commentators (just in case those aren't the same thing)' sez so, an` they sez the `publicans are tryin` ta DESTROY aur Democracy! 👶"
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'well-armed' is merely a metaphor, as 'the lamb' is 'armed' not with "weapons" but -with tools to placate the wolves into useful agreement |
Our government is in fact "a Republic" (that was a declaration made by a Founding Father ... a Founding Father who was--in-fact--quoted by Democratic Speaker-of-the-House Nancy Pelosi, when she was a guest on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert).
The very word 'Republic' indicates "Democracy in a way"---it indicates that--ideally--the government would be 'the country's population, summarized' (a 'Re-Public').
... But don't mistake me for 'a Republican.' Nor 'a Democrat.' I am "a human" (and--since that's not an option on the voting-registration form--I'm registered "Independent" ... or maybe "Libertarian" when that's available).
True Democracy is this---not 'that I can vote for anybody or nobody at all' so much as 'that (within legal limits) I can go out and do whatever work I want to, and (within legal limits) can use the earned money to buy that-much of what anyone is selling.'
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