Celebrities Die of Depression because People Don't Care to #Call & #CheckOn Them (The Pain God Feels when You Don't Pray) @PROFILErehab #CallOut #Check #CallMyName #CheckOnMe #CallOnMe #CheckingIn #Called #Checks #Calls #Checked #Calling #MakeTheCall #CallItInTheAir #ColdCalls #CallCenter

I'm not a celebrity; or maybe I am, but how would you know?... And that may be part of the reason celebrities die of depression.

Oh, it's possible I'm just generalizing ... maybe just 'projecting my jealous rage to keep myself from feeling so depressed'; but Think about it ...

In this epidemic, do you care if any particular celebrity is 'okay'? (And by 'care,' I mean "so-strongly want to make sure that you'll search for news on them &–if there's no news-on-them available–you'll search for their contact-information and call them.")

I think about 'them' (not any one celebrity in particular, but 'all celebrities who aren't being called and checked-on while people are busy taking care of their 'responsibilities'—that's one of the perks of the celebrity-fan arrangement ... no 'responsibility' of one to the other, except that the celebrities continue to perform & the fans continue to 'attend the performances');

because I'm sad that no one's checking on me. Of-course, I'm also glad that no one feels they need to "be on their guard in case I feel dissatisfied in any way." Because people have their own little personal struggles to deal with, and–while I'd love to help them 'deal'–there's something to be said for "the dopamine-boost you get from taking care of your own problems"—

or maybe there isn't ... not enough to merit 'devotion to a life of solitude (when you'd be swimming in all the dopamine that brings, yeah?)'
But I can't help you- & you can't help me- and celebrities can't help fans- & fans can't help celebrities- unless one calls for help!

And I don't even know what help is needed! so why would anyone call anyone?

I don't know 'what your personal reason is for calling a celebrity,' but my best guess about how you would find out about 'how they're doing lately' is Twitter. 'Those words' are below-hyperlinked to a collection of lists of celebrity's Twitter-addresses, but here I first wanted to describe the ancient bedrock beneath them ...

The word "|Call|" is built on ancient words that mean "to Shout (to |Request/Command/Warning/Praise)." 
The word "|Check|" is built on ancient words that mean "to Mark a List (that's |Noting the |Entry as Present/Examined or -Absent (but Soon-to-Be Accounted-for))" (to |Arrest, |Stop, Hold in Restraint or Control through Comparison with some Authority or Record, to Secure Identification of Baggage/|Luggage

And thinking about this, I get a glimpse of the pain that Our Father God feels.

Oh, I'm sure it's not enough of a glimpse to even begin to "understand how it feels"–other than the vague words that come to mind: "Eternal Loneliness," "Hopelessly Forsaken (Forgotten Forever)," "Knowing that You are Only Loved out of Fear-of-Being-Discarded-&-Doomed"–but I do wonder; why don't pray-ers ever ask 'how Our Father's doing'?
