#JoeScott (of @AnswersWithJoe with #TMi or whatever it 'changes into') emerges from his #Cocoon of #Absence, bringing up something I've been wondering about with @Twitter ... | @Brainfall
Joe explains his recent, transformational absence in a report you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Cocoon” is built on ancient words that mean "|Berry, Seed" (the prefix #Cocco (meaning "Grain/Seed/|Berry/|Gall of the |Kermes Oak (which yields |Scarlet Dye, and actually IS an |Insect)") & suffix #oon (meaning ... not stated, exactly; maybe something like "Container of- or |Receptacle for-") ... beneath other words that mean "|Clam-, Egg- or |Nut Shell, |Silky |Envelope surrounding Larval ||Insects in the |Chrysalis-State").
#Cocoons #Cocooned #Cocooning
The word “Absence” is built on ancient words that mean "to Be Off, -Away from" (Not Present (in a Certain Place), Non-|Existent).
#Absent #Absentee #AbsentMinded #Absenteeism #AbsitOmen #Absently #Absents #Absented #Absenting #Absentness
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They tell me 'I am 10% absent-minded, making me Acutely Aware and Attentive' (at least 'according to the way I answered their survey!') |
And (not exactly 'connected to Joe's "metamorphosis,"' but something I've been meaning to bring up); whenever I go to Tweepi to edit the Twitter-follows, I always see accounts on Twitter that haven't Tweeted for YEARS!
It makes me wonder, what portion of 'the Twitter population' just abandoned accounts? If they had a rule where you had to tweet at least once every three-or-four weeks, how many accounts would disappear?
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