@PerryStoneVOE gives some Practical Prophecy: How to Discern 'God' from 'The Devil' | #Past #Present #Future #Presently #Futures

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Oh, lots of Bible-scholars (including Perry himself, probably) have given lots of 'God provides all goodness'-feelgood drool; but the recording I saw the other night ... I'll review it first (a few things I remember from it).

Perry tells us a couple ways you can differentiate (some would say "discern") between God (Our Heavenly Father) & 'Gadreel' (The Devil, Satan ... who only enters Heaven to 'Accuse The Brethren' (as he did in the book of Job)).

God–Perry said–exists in the Past, the Present and the Future, while 'Gadreel' (I keep 'quipping' that, because Perry never used "that name" ... it sounds too much like 'God') only exists in the Past & the Present.

We'll discuss that below, but first ... 'Those words' are built on even-deeper sources ... crucial things that firm the foundation upon which the our lexicon stands ...

The word “Past” is built on “Time |Gone By” (to Pass). 
The word “Present” is built on “to Be There (|Before (Pre-))” (Evident). 
The word “Future” is built on “(that which is Yet) to Be, Exist, Grow.”

When Perry stated that "God operates in the Past, the Present AND the Future," 'the Little Accuser in the back of My Mind' exclaimed "Liar!" largely because of a 'meme' I saw years ago (back when I guess they would've called it an 'affirmational banner') that referred to God's dialogue with Moses through the burning bush; when Moses asked God his name & God replied, "I Am as I Am" (which the Hebrews wrote יהוה—where we get the name "Yahweh").

The 'meme' claimed that–since his name's "I Am"–it's Not 'I Was' or 'I Will Be.' But I've seen that The Name can also be translated 'I Will Be as I Will Be (or "Will Become as I Will Become" etc.)'

But the point is (and Perry also mentioned) that the future God gives you is Your Choice! God will not tell you 'what will happen if you choose not to take his advice' (oh, The Bible says God says you'll go to Hell & be punished forever etc.-etc.; but a lot of that is just 'humans putting their words into God's mouth'). He usually won't even tell you what will happen if you do take his advice—only that it's the right, good, fair, just thing to do!

Take 'Satan's dialogue with Eve in the Garden-of-Eden.' Eve told Satan, "God said we can't eat the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, or else we'll die!" (the last part being words that Adam put in God's mouth); Satan replied (Adam's lie giving him a way in), "You'll not 'die!'" And he was right; the Forbidden Fruit wasn't 'what killed her,' but it did make her aware of things (including the fact that we all die).

Today, Satan disguises himself as God (or as 'God's Messenger'—a role he played before, possibly delivering partly-true messages to The Prophet (PBUH)). And the ways to tell if 'the message you hear from God' is really "from God" or "from Satan":

  • Satan will point out something in your past as 'absolute prophecy of your future.' God points out something in your past as a way to caution you against what might happen (and to help you avoid it if you have to make some of the choices that caused it).
  • One way he'll 'disguise himself as God' is by using The Bible to back up his lies. One example of that–his meeting with Jesus after Jesus's 40 days of fasting in the desert—he quoted 'God's promises (in the Jewish scriptures, obviously)' and Jesus responded with opposing scriptures.
    • I have to look at that, as I'll often see people on Facebook that 'post a Scripture-declaration' not even thinking about the fact that Satan uses Scripture-quotes that way!

Or maybe I'm looking at it wrong—that's one reason
 Our Father God said "It is not good for the man
 to be alone":  "Because the man'll think he's right
 until someone else shows him why he's not"
—Won't you show me if I'm right-or-wrong in the comments
