Will @ElonMusk Hold Twitter to the True Definition of #FreeSpeech? Or is that just code for #HateSpeech (which @MoveOn categorizes in several ways)? | @NYPost

MoveOn.org asked me to sign a petition (to request the FTC's block of Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter).

I get paid to discuss it in a report you can access through 'the linked word(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

|Free Speech| (referring--probably--to the Constitutional #FreedomOfSpeech) is "the #Right to Express any Opinions without Censorship or #Restraint."
This sense of the word “|Right|”--closely related to the adjective-sense--is built on ancient words that mean "Legal Entitlement, |Privilege" (funny, because 'Privilege' is often defined as 'a Special Right'---one that isn't so-much "something everyone is Born-with" as it's "something Bestowed by Special Authority").
#TheRight #BillOfRights #Rights #RightToWork #RightToDie #InHisOwnRight #InHerOwnRight #InTheirOwnRight


I think I've discussed before the whole "... but you Can't Yell 'Fire!' in a Crowded Theater"-addendum to the Free Speech idea.

Gen X-ers & X-ennials & Millennials & Gen Z-ers (and maybe some Boomers and ... are there any other generations still alive?) have extended that principle (basically that 'you are not allowed to harm others to get what you want') to mean "If your expressions on a platform hurt others' feelings- or you encourage others to do bad things, then you should not be allowed to use that platform."

Elon Musk would allegedly 'dial the harm-margin back to "Yelling FIRE in a Crowded Theater"-levels'---only #Restraining speech that demands an unnecessary reaction from the crowd (the way 'Yelling FIRE' would make people believe they need to flee).

|Restraint| is built on ancient words that mean "to Draw Back |Tightly, |Tie Back, Confine, Check" (see Restriction)

#Restrain #Restrained #Restrainer #Restrainable #SelfRestraint #SelfRestrained #Restraints #RestraintOfTrade
