#SpecializedKnowledge - The Fourth Principle of #NapoleonHill's Classic Book #ThinkAndGrowRich | #Special #Specialty #Specialize #Specializing #ize #ise

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It's "that little extra focus" that makes Jeff Bezos more than 'just a blogger telling `net-users about great products they can buy' ... that makes Bill Gates more than 'just a geek "radio-shack-ing" hardware out of his garage' ... that makes (as Napoleon Hill describes in this chapter) Henry Ford more than 'just a mechanic souping up engines.'

Not just 'knowledge of the products and/or sales-process,' but specialized knowledge! ''That word' is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the our lexicon stands ...

The word “Specialize” is built on “Appearance, Kind, Sort (Species)" + a Verb-Forming Suffix (occasionally spelled "-ise") - (Engage in Specific Study or -Line of Business).

Or maybe I'm looking at it wrong—that's one reason
 Our Father God said "It is not good for the man to be
 alone":  "Because the man'll think he's right until someone else shows
 him why he's not"—Won't you show me
 if I'm right-or-wrong in the comments below?
