How Can You Tell Which #Generation You're a Part-of? #Generational #Generations #NextGen #NextGeneration #Gen #MyGeneration @DryBarComedy

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The word "|Generation|" is built on ancient words that mean "to give Birth, Beget*" (Procreation, Tribal- & Familial Groups).

So–from that root–you'd think a generation's name would come from the name of the generation that produced it (like babies are named by their parents) ... or from the name of 'the action that produced that generation' (just as 'Baby Boomers' were produced when 'the Greatest Generation' came home from war and had an urge to ... bring about a "boom" in babies).

My parents were Baby Boomers, and–if I didn't already know I'm either a 'Generation X'-man' (LOL X-MEN LOL) or an extra-Elder 'Millennial'–I might call myself an 'Abundance Spare-Timer' (born in an era when 'artist' became "a paying profession" (rather than 'just something people did in their spare time')) or (as has been suggested since so many in 'my generation'–including myself, but for a slightly-different reason than most–are forced to move back into their parents' houses) a 'Boomeranger.'
But I look at 'the modern-day repository for all socially-agreed-upon knowledge,' and–when it lists & describes all the agreed-upon generation names (in the Western World and in Other Areas)–it doesn't mention 'the people who begat* them' as often as 'the range of years they were begotten*-in!'
*The word 'beget' of-course brings to mind the long lists of parental-lineages in The Holy Bible–starting from Adam, who begat many children, who begat another generation, who begat another generation, and so on until Abraham, who begat Isaac, who begat Jacob, who begat Joseph, who begat another generation, and another generation (a few generations later) begat Moses, who begat another generation, and another generation (a few generations later) begat Jesus Christ—popularly described as the Only Begotten son of 'God' (יהוה), even though The Holy Bible itself says that Yahweh "begat" Adam!
