A 'Quoraspondent' put together almost all the text about "Neighbors" (possibly including some text about 'the roots of the words' ... I honestly just saw 'the post's MANY Scripture-citations,' and figured this would be a good post to make here).
|That word| seems important; so I found out a little more about |that word| (below-linked to the post with tons of discussion about |that word|) and share my findings with you below---maybe I'll add some notes beneath (and/or you might start/continue the discussion in the comments).
To Keep Up on My 'Research,' Follow @mythmanjay
The word |Neighbors| sits at the peak of the high tower above the proto-word #bheue- "to Be, Exist, Grow," which evolved through ancient words that mean "Dweller" and topped of with an ancient suffix that means "Near" (see Nigh).
just like #GoodNeighbor #GoodNeighborPolicy #Neighbored
#Neighboring #Neigbor #Neighborhood #Neighborhoods
#Neighborly #Neighbour #Neighbours #TheHood #InTheHood
The proto-word |*bheue-| (also #bheu-) is detected by ancient words that mean "Happens, Earth, World; to Bring Forth, Make Grow; Plant, Nature, Tribe, Class, Race, Become"; and it forms all or part of the words "Beam, Bondage, Boom (the Long Pole), Booth, Bound (Ready to Go), Bower, Build, Bumpkin, Busk, Bustle, Bylaw, Fiat, Forebear, Future, Husband, Imp, Phylo-, Phylum, Physics, Physio-, Physique, Phyto-."
(My source on this lists a bunch of other related words,
but I only listed 'the words I've heard before'; maybe
the other ones "actually exist," but that's 'above my
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