Questions about the #Workforce of #Prospectors in #KlondikeTheLostExpedition @plarium @Vizio_Games | #Workforces #Prospector #Prospecter #Prospect #Prospected #Prospecting

Playing Klondike, your character has to hire 'workers' to manufacture materials to build the building-etc. to progress through the game (which makes the game 'a SIM CITY on the ol` gold-rush frontier'). You could hire Inuits, but they only work for gems (a rare commodity that you actually need to save for more-crucial buildings/expansions).

No, it's much more economical to build apartment-buildings for the neighbors you then hire out with coins (the currency you get by selling the gold & treasures you dig up or -selling crops you grow or -selling things you manufacture).

But that brings up questions ... questions I'll get to below the subscribe-bar;

; but first I want to understand a few words better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Workforce” is obviously a compound of Work & Force
The word "Prospectors (& #Prospection #Prospectus #Prospects ... #Prospective?)" is built on ancient words that mean "to Look-at (Observe) Forward (Pro-)" (also "a Wide, Long, Straight Street or -Avenue," usually then-spelled #Prospekt).


After you've built an apartment building, I don't think you have to pay for any 'upkeep' (except maybe to upgrade it ... I don't know). But you have to pay the prospectors (fellow Klondike-players) you need for manufacturing your tools/sustenance/products.

I've currently built 3 or 4 apartment-buildings (3 of them are called 'apartment buildings,' one is more like a B-&-B), so every morning I hire workers to stay there for the day; I pull up the hiring-menu, and I'm shown that each prospector has a different 'price' (the number of coins I'll have to give if I want to hire them that day). 

That's where the questions start: does 'the amount you pay them' affect 'how well they work'? (maybe 'do they put out products faster if you pay them more'?)

I guess this gets to a question I asked all my Klondike-neighbors: 'What is the best product to hire workers to #Build for money in Klondike?' (although the way I asked my neighbors was 'What's the best way to make money?' and the first reply I got was 'Gather eggs, make Trays of them (in the Barn), and sell those"; but I want something that puts my hired prospectors to work!)

The word "Build (& #Built #Building #Builds #Buildings #Builder #BuildUp #Rebuild)" is built on ancient words that mean "to Be, Exist, Grow."

*When I talk about 'pay' & 'price' etc. in this post, I'm talking about in-game coins (& treasures & resources). Yes, there are upgrades & helps you can buy with "real" money; but I'm not touching that here.
