@MoveOn to Provide Training in Modern #RabbleRousing - #Rouse that #Rabble! (Sundays, October 16- thru November 6-, 2022!

I'm on MoveOn.org's text-messenger list, and they sent me an invitation to their Rally for Democracy Livestream-Series

MoveOn explains 'how we can help them make our government more people-powered' in a livestream-series you can enroll-in through (a link posted on the page-linked 🤓 through) 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

Rabble-Rousing (Demagogy, Arousing the Emotions of a Disorderly Crowd ... though MoveOn Works Hard to Make Sure their Crowd is Well-Ordered) is built with the words Rabble & Rouse.

#RabbleRouser #RabbleRousers

The word “Rabble” (if not "the specially-bent Iron Bar used to Stir Molten Metal" built on words that mean "to Churn, |Plow up, Dig out") is built on an |Imitation of a |Chattering, Confused, |Gabbling Pack of Animals.
The word “Rouse” is probably built on ancient words that mean "|Abrupt Movement" (the word was used in Hawking, to describe "Shaking the Feathers of the Body"; in Hunting, "Causing Game to Rise from its Cover or -|Lair").
#Arouse #Rouses #Rouse #Roused #Aroused #Arouses #Arousing #Rouser #Rousers


I'm sure (almost hoping) that MoveOn sees I'm 'accusing them of being rabble-rousers,' and reply to defend themselves with something like "We're not 'rousing rabble,' we're Defending Our Democracy!"

Because--saying that--they would openly admit to 'promoting a lie!' Because we do not have 'one of those' (neither a 'small-d' democracy nor a 'large-D' Democracy---well, we may have the 'large-D' one; but "I don't think that word means what you think it means").

Our government is "a constitutional republic." I think the 'd'emocracy comes in with "the elections called-for in The Constitution."
