#WhereIgetThisCRAZYidea: These 'Link-Lists' Make Sponsors #Sure that Their investments are Paying-Off!

If you follow me, you see I do a 'daily link-list' on this blog (e.g. one I did yesterday). Tho the main reason I do it is 'to show that I've been doing something all day ,' a "fortunate side-effect" is that 'the Sponsors' (people who pay my fellow journalists-&-publishers-etc. to put their content in their publications) get a little more 'territory in your media-mindscape' (prompting you to favor them when you need to buy something they sell, encouraging the sponsor to continue to support the publisher who 'suggested them to you').

I discuss "the readers'/watchers' responsibility in the free-media transaction" in a paying discussion (paying revenue from its sponsors, BTW) which you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Sure” is built on ancient words that mean "Free from Care (is that 'Carefree'?), Un|troubled, |Heedless, Safe (see Secure)" (with a pronunciation-development patterned on "Sugar")
#Surely #Surer #Surest #ForSure #ToBeSure #SureEnough #ShoNuff #SureFooted #SureThing #ShoThang #Suresby #Cocksure #Ensure #Insurance #Insure #Surefire #Unsure


For example, you support Tab For A Cause's assistance to Ukrainian families by frequently-buying (and enjoying) Jimmy Dean Breakfast Cups and HBOmax streaming-subscriptions (featuring productions like THE BATMAN & GAME OF THRONES) and Everyone Favorite Coupon-Finder honey (who offers you a FREE chance to win the gaming-console of your choice)---trusting that 'they know "you're buying their wares mainly-because you heard about them from Tabs For A Cause" (though it's also because you're sure their product is of finest quality ... or else "why would we publishers-of-high-wisdom suggest them to yo?"' am-I-right?').
