... hmm ...
CRISPR (as stated above) stands for #Clustered #Regularly Interspaced Short #Palindromic Repeats.
The word “Clustered” is built on ancient words that mean "|Clot."
so are #Cluster #Clusters #Clustering #ClusterBomb #Clusterfuck (I didn't want to list it, but Etymonline says it was "U.S. Military Slang" prior to the Pornographic use)
The word “Regularly” is built on ancient words that mean "to Move in a Straight Line (Straight Piece of Wood, Containing Rules for Guidance, |Ecclesiastical, in Order, Systematically, at Proper Times, in Accordance with Rules)."
so are #Regular #Regulars #Irregular #Regularize #Regularized
The word “Palindromic” is built on ancient words that mean "a Running Again, -Back (Revolve, Move Round, Recur, Word or Line that Reads the Same Backward & Forward ... see |Dromedary)."
so are #Palindrome #Palindromes #Palindromist #Palindromists #Palindromically
And so it goes.
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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