Theory of #Wow | @CallRuby ... possibly related to @WowAppOFFICIAL | @farlex

The word “Wow” is originally a |Scot's Natural Expression of Amazement (and thus became Americans' verb for "Overwhelming people with |Delight or Amazement" ... the expression was replaced by "|Whoa" in the |80s).
#Wows #Wowed #Wowing #Wowie #Wowee
... or maybe the “Wow” in #Wowism is originally the surname of 'its founder' (I don't know if they're 'a real person,' but the literature says the founder's name is Robin Wow, a person with a Bow, a |Quiver full of Arrows, and a |Bycoket Hat (like Robin Hood wore)). 
... or maybe it's an acronym like Well Of Wealth, Work Over Worry; Whipped, Owned and Wrapped; World Of Web-work (because why would anyone be interested in 'Warcraft'?) or something.
#Wowist #Wowists

I found that video right at the top of search-results (searching for 'why do they call it wowism?'), but I've been using Wowism (sort of) for about three weeks now---

(and--in case you can't see it here (I don't know how Twitter does that code)--I reply to that with about 10 or 20 news-links the WowApp shares with me)

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