That word (below hyperlinked to a selection of Amazon's hats-for-sale)
sticks in your brain (as a word in your vocabulary) because of the words
that bring it to us.
The word “Hats” is built on ancient words that mean “|Hood, Cowl, |Tuft- or |Crest of a |Bird, Helmet.”
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The many types of hats:
- the Jester's Cowl - or the Fool's cap or the Cap & Bells
- Baseball Cap - soft fabric with a rounded crown and a stiff, projecting (usually forward) bill
- Boonie Hat - soft, wide-brimmed cotton hat commonly used by military. a.k.a. a Bush hat, Slouch, Akubra (the Australian kind ... a.k.a. the Giggle hat) or a Fisherman's hat, & similar to a Bucket hat
- Bucket hat - soft cotton with a short, downwards-sloping brim (all around)
- Tuque (a.k.a. Chilote-, Ski-, Sock-, Knit-, Stocking- or Watch-cap; Wooly-, Knit-hat; Toboggan, Goobalini; wrongly called a Beanie) - woven cap made of coarse raw wool & topped by a pom-pom
- Fedora - soft felt hat with medium brim & lengthwise crease in the crown
- Mortarboard - graduation hat
- Trucker hat - like a baseball cap, but with a foam crown behind the brim & a breathable mesh back-section
- Ushanka - those Russian fur hats with fold-down (or -up) ear-flaps
- Ascot cap - somehow associated with livestock slaughter
- Balaclava - headgear that covers whole head, exposing-the face or -only the eyes; a.k.a. a Ski Mask
- Beanie
- Beret
- Bowler/Derby
- Capirote - pointed hood
- Capotain - Pilgrim (in America's Thanksgiving-history) Hat
- Deerstalker - Sherlock Holmes hat
- Turban or Draped Turban
- Dunce cap
- Fez
- Green Eyeshade - infamous for bookies, once common for office clerks
- Hard hat
- Mitre - Pope hat (also worn by bishops)
- Montera - bullfighter hat
- Party hat - Dunce cap for birthday parties & new years'
- Santa Hat - weren't these once known as Drunkard's Caps?
- Shako - marching-band hat
- Sombrero ... the kind that Zorro wore (also popular for Flamenco dancers) is the Sombrero Cordobes
- Sun Hat
- Tam o' Shanter - The Irish/Scottish Chilote
- Top Hat
- Toque - Chef's Hat
- Tricorne
- Whoopee Cap - a masticated Fedora
- Pointed (Wizard/Witch) hat
- Zucchetto - Catholic priests' skullcap
- Kippah/Yarmulke (YA-ma-ka) - Jewish skullcap
- Raincap
- Ayam, Balmoral bonnet, Barretina, Bearskin, Bhaad-gaaule topi, Bicorne (napoleon hat), Biretta, Blangon, Boater, Boss of the Plains (Stetson, with the brim customized into one's Cowboy Hat), Boudoir cap, Breton, Busby, Bycocket (Robin Hood hat), Campaign hat (Smokey the Bear (Park Ranger) hat), Cappello Romano, Cartwheel hat, Casquette, Caubeen, Chengziguan, Chullo, Chupalla, Cloche, Cricket cap, Conical Asian hat (Coolie?), Custodian helmet (British constable hat), Dhaka topi, Dixie Cup hat (Gob hat/cap), Fascinator, Flat cap, Gandhi cap, Gat, Gatsby, Garrison/Forage cap, Gaung Paung, Glengarry, Half Hat, Halo (aureole) hat, Hardee hat (1858 Dress Hat, regulation for Union soldiers in American Civil War ... inspiration for Hardee's?), Hennin ('princess' hats in folk-tale illustrations), Homburg, Icelandic Tail-cap, Jaapi, Karakui (Qaraqui), Kepi, Kolpik, Ghutrah, Kupiah, Kofia, Kufi, Kohah namadi, Kova tembei, Makapili Hat, Mathai, Mushroom hat, Pakul, Panama, Papakhi, Patrol cap, Peach basket hat, Peaked cap (cops & military officials), Phrygian cap (worn by Smurfs), Picture (or Gainsborough or Garden) hat, Pilgrim's (ORIGINAL pilgrim's, Cockel or Traveler's) hat---associated with pilgrims on the Way of St. James, Pillbox hat, Pith helmet, Planter's hat, Porkpie, Qeleshe, Rastacap, Rogatywka, Sami (Four Winds) hat; Sailor cap, as opposed to the Sailor's hat; Šajkača, Salakot, Shtreimei, Songkok, Sou'wester, Student cap, Taqiyah, Trilby, Tubeteika, Tudor bonnet, Tyrolean hat, Umbrella hat, Upe, Vueltiao,
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in an Ushanka |
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