Stephen @ColbertLATESHOW reveals that we've been #Hoodwinked & #Bamboozled by the 'Conservatives' of the @USSupremeCourt, that #SCOTUSisCompromised (and not in @GaryBulmer's #CompassionateCompromise-way :-P )

Well, he doesn't "uncover" their lies, so-much as he 'replays them'---reminding us that what we thought was their 'honest responses to their interviewers' questions' was actually their 'sweet-talkin` to get into our nation's pants.'

I bring this up in a forum (that pays) which you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Bamboozled” is built on ancient words that mean "a Young Babe (Old |Dotard, Babyish |Gull)" or -on words that mean "to make a Fool (a |Baboon) of" or "to |Confound, Perplex."
#Bamboozle #Bamboosler #Bamboosling #DeBamboozle
The word “Hoodwinked” (Deceived by Disguise, Misled, to have had one's Mind Blinded, making one Close one's Eyes to a Fault or -an |Irregularity) is built of the words #Hood (to Cover (see Hat ... if not 'the short form of Hoodlum or -Neighborhood)) & #Wink (to Bend, Curve (extended to words meaning "to |Stray, |Hover; Stagger, |Totter; Wave")).
#Hoodwink #Hooded #Hooding #Hoodie #Monkshood #Hud #LittleRedRidingHood #RobinHood


Stephen Colbert explained 'the way The Government has failed to deliver what the Founding Fathers ordered' 
