I Want this to Be a #Resource, but Not One You Have to #Search to Find---The Reason I #Bend these Titles around @Twitter-"Lingo" | #Resources #Searches #Bent #Resourceful #Searching #Bended #Resourced #Searched #Bending #Resourcing #Sought #Bends

I'll explain what I mean on a page linked through 'those words' below (soon); but first I want to understand those words better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Resource (& #LibraryResourceCenter #NaturalResources)” is built on ancient words that mean |Rise Again (|Resurgent). 
The word “Search (in #Searchlight #ReSearch #Searchable #SearchMe #SearchEngine #SearchEngineOptimization #SEO #SearchWarrant #SearchAndDestroy #SearchAndRescue)” is built on ancient words that mean |Circle (|Circus). 
The word “Bend (& #Bendable #Binder #Circumbendibus #Unbend #SinisterBend (the 'Bend' on a Family-Crest that--instead of running from left-top to right-bottom--runs along the opposite diagonal))” (meaning of a word supporting "Conversation") is built on ancient words that mean Bind (Band, Bond).

