#OnwardAndUpward: @BrookeCastillo Helps You #StopWorrying in 4 Steps at #TheLifeCoachSchool | #Worry #Worrisome #WorryWart #Worried #Worrying #Worries #Worrier
- Worry pretends to be necessary.
- Worry gives you an excuse not to act.
- You can stop worrying in four steps.
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to the intro-page, that links to the free mini course on ending your worrying) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “|Worry|” is built on words that mean “to |Turn, |Bend” (|Strangle).
The free 10-or-11-minute video is good–a good way to wake up to the obstacle that worry loads heavy on your mind–and it links to a course that (tho I'm sure it's worth it) costs nearly $300 a month.
- Ask yourself what you're worried about.
- Ask yourself what's the worst that could happen.
- Boil it down to the current facts (not 'probability' or 'opinion'), and make your peace with those facts—realizing all the other things ('opinions') are just 'drama' distracting you from the necessary action.
- Remind yourself what you can control.
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