@24CARATinc brings up #TheSecretToLife, and I respond ...

I might discuss this more in a paying forum you can join for FREE through 'the emboldened links' below; but first I want to teach you about A BUNCH of those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Happiness” is built on ancient words that mean "(Good) Chance, Fortune" + the suffix -y.
#GreatestHappinessForTheGreatestNumber #Happy #Happier #Happiest #HappyMedium #HappyEnding #HappilyEverAfter #HappyAsaClam (short for #HappyAsaClamInTheMudAtHighTide (where it can't be dug up & eaten)) #HappyHuntingGround ("Native Americans' Heaven") #HappyDay ("wedding day") #HappyHour (discount/special hour(s) in bars) #RockHappy ("mentally unhinged after too much time on one island") #Hap #Happify #Happily #Unhappy #Unhappiness
The word “Meaning” (Sense, that which is Intended to be Expressed, Definition of-, (obsolete) act of Remembering) is built on ancient words that mean "to Think" (Significance, Import) or (as the adjective meaning Common (& of course Unkind &/or Unpleasant), inverted into Remarkably Good (probably shortened from #NoMean____ (actor, operator, worker, etc.))) is built on ancient words that mean "to Change-, Exchange Together" or (as the noun for the Mid-Point or -for the Way something Can be Done, or as the adjective describing things in that Middle) is built on ancient words that mean "Middle."
#Meaningful #Meaningless #Meaningly #YouKnowWhatIMean? #WaysAndMeans #Mean #Means #ByMeansOf #ByAllMeans #ByNoMeans #Meanwhile #Meantime #Demean #Meanie #Meant #Unmeaning #WellMeaning #WellMeant #Meanness #Meaner #Meanest
Hmm ... Freedom, Gratitude, the Sense of Wonder ...

The word “Finding” is built on ancient words that mean "to Tread, Go" (built on ancient foundations that mean Pedestrian, Path, Way, Open Sea, Walk, Bridge, Heel, Ford, Road... also Discovery, Invention).
#Finding #Findings #FactFinding #FaultFinding #FactFinder #FindFault #FaultFinder #FactFinders #FaultFinders #Find #FindOut #Finder #Found #Foundling #Finds
The word “Learning” is built on ancient words that mean "Furrow, Track" (see Last, -Lois (not really, but the PIE root resembles the name πŸ‘ΌπŸ½), -ancient words that mean Sole of the Foot).
#Learning #Learn #Learnable #Learned #Learnt #Learns #LearningCurve #Unlearned #Unlearn
The word “Maintaining” is built on ancient words that mean "to Hold (Stretch) in the Hand"
#Maintaining #Maintains #Maintained #Maintain #Maintenance #Maintainable


Oh! 'One More Thing Before You Go' ... well, TWO-or-THREE more things ...

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