@CharlesCapps1 (Annette at #CappsMinistries) reminds me What I Need to Know I'm Doing | #CallThingsThatBeNot #Intent #Intend #Intention #Intended #Intentions #Intending #GoodIntentions #Intends #CruelIntentions #RoadToHellIsPavedWithGoodIntentions
I've got problems ... see? I did it again!
Did what? What Annette Capps (daughter of Charles Capps & president of Capps Ministries) and her friend Pastor Michelle warn us against at the video hyperlinked through 'that word' below.
Charles Capps compares it to a thermostat—you don't set the thermostat-temperature for 'the current temperature,' but for 'the temperature you "know" the air-conditioner will make it.' Annette then compares it to 'a GPS-system': if you type-in "the place you are now," it has no reason to give you directions to "the place you intend to go!"
If you don't quite understand 'how to use "Calling Things that Be Not",' keep reading; we'll try and figure it out below, but first ... that word—it's built on deeper foundations ... foundations that hold up the pillars of our lexicon today!
The word "Intend" is built on "to Stretch |Out, |Lean |Toward, Strain (In)" (Direct one's Attention to, Give Heed; in law, "a State of Mind regarding |Intelligent |Volition"; having the mind Fixed-upon something (fixation)).
My bad habit (which I hope this is at-least the beginning of 'a good apology-for'): I spend too much time complaining about 'things as they are.' Oh, I usually only complain about things 'I want to change' (with the idea that somebody will figure out the changes that should be made and then help me make them).
This distracted my mind as I tried to watch Annette Capps' & Pastor Michelle's discussion, as it made me think of 'the main prayer I have that hasn't been answered (yet)' (and don't give me that "sometimes Our Father God says 'No'"-lie!): my prayer for a wife ...
But then maybe I'm praying wrong—sure, I want a wife (whom I might refer-to–the way Vice-President Mike Pence refers to his wife, the way Abe Lincoln, Calvin Coolidge, Gerald Ford & Ronald Reagan referred to theirs–as 'Mother' ... but in my case, that's because my wife will probably have to be my "legal guardian" as well);
but I haven't yet 'called myself' "a husband" (which I would not be if I did not have a wife) or "a father" (which I shouldn't be without a wife to be the Mother (another possible reason for VP Mike's nickname for Karen Pence)).'
but I haven't yet 'called myself' "a husband" (which I would not be if I did not have a wife) or "a father" (which I shouldn't be without a wife to be the Mother (another possible reason for VP Mike's nickname for Karen Pence)).'
And Sure, Our Ancestor Adam infamously 'Called a Wife who was not (yet) as though she Were':
So the man exclaimed, "At last! This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. This one will be called 'Woman,' because she was taken from Man."
(I'm not sure where 'he told her any of this,' but I imagine there are translations that include Eve in the marriage-process somewhere).
'That word' also reminds me of another famous saying that's drawn from a few passages in The Bible:
"The road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions."
... which might explain why I have the irrational idea that 'bad intentions somehow lead to Paradise' (the way 'Joseph's brothers' injuring him & selling him into slavery' led to 'Joseph saving the continent from a big famine & becoming Prince of Egypt'; or the way 'Jesus Christ's hateful execution' led to 'one of the world's most-powerful religions').
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