more signs that @MSNnews wants 'me' (and maybe 'you') to be a #Gastronome (or #Epicure or #Gourmand or #Gourmet ), or is this just what they show EVERYBODY with an @MicrosoftEdge #EdgeBar?

When I got my Microsoft Edge browser, I also downloaded a little program that sends 'links to news- and weather-stories' to my desktop. Lately, the usual stories have been 'interesting new selections that popular restaurants are putting on- or taking off of-their menus.

Whether that's personalized to me (because I shared a past story-or-two here) or those alerts are sent to everybody, writers on English StackExchange explain 'names for that type of writer' in a discussion you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Gastronome” is built on ancient words that mean "Judge of the Arts (Rule, Law) of |Cookery (|Stomach)."
#Gastronomy #Gastronomy #Gastrology #Gastronomic
The word “Epicure” (the 'one who Cultivates Refined Taste in Food & Drink'-meaning, hopefully not the 'Glutton who Gives himself up to Sensual Pleasure'-sense) is a word that means "Follower of #Epicurus," whose name is built on ancient words that mean "Helper, Ally"
#Epikouros #Epicureous #Epicurean #Epicures

The word “Gourmand” is built on ancient words that mean "|Glutton" (hopefully I would bring Moderation to the noun, but ...🤷🏼‍♂️)
#Gourmandize #Gormandize #Gormandise #Gourmands
The word “Gourmet”--NOT CONSIDERED TO BE CONNECTED WITH "Gourmand"--is built on ancient words that mean "Wine-TasterWine-Merchant's |Servant" (see Groom).
#Gourmets #TheFrugalGourmet


Edge's Web Widget (or whatever it's called now) points me to MSN News' findings on:
    • and I could probably go in and search on TheStreet or Tasting Table or The Healthy or whatever other Gourmet/Gourmand/Epicure/Gastronomy they find; but I'm just passing along the notifications 'MSN News chose to send me' (I hear that there's a register where I told them my preferences; but 'you don't get your prayers answered unless you act on the answers you're seeking!')

      Anyway; when I get more 'Gourmandaissance,' I'll put it at the top of this column.
