#Binky ... I thought it was a Baby-Word for a Pacifier (or maybe a Blanket or a Teddy Bear), but Didn't Know it was ACTUALLY 'something that Bunny Rabbits do!' @Microsoft finds @_RabbitCare_'s explanation | @word_detective

On a Microsoft Rewards quiz this morning, I was doing well. I got the first three questions right no problem (about 'popular rabbits' in diverse media (movies, cartoons, books ...). But then came Binky.

I ... Well, Rabbit Care Tips explains #Binkying in an article linked through 'the main word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Binky” is built on ancient words that mean ... my main etymology-source doesn't say (exactly), but some searching finds A LOT OF GUESSES---people use it for |Pacifiers--with 'the name on such products actually trademarked by |Playtex in 1935"--or an Indiana (America)-word for "any Little |Mechanical |Contrivance," or anything Small & Inconsequential-or-Cute (and Fun to have around ... 
(maybe a Name for a Purse-Dog or a |Jocular Nick|name in the Men's Gym), Name for a Kid-Sister, a Big Baby (a |Dutch diminutive of #Bancroft (a name that means Field of Beans)), a Baby's |Favorite Blanket, a Wood|louse, an as-yet-unnamed (HumanInfant Boy (or maybe #Binks ... or #Bunty, if it's a girl); 
but it seems to come from-- from-- ... the |Scot word for a |Bench or Shelf?


The rabbits' Binky is either a full-binky (a sudden, unprovoked leap into the air with a simultaneous twist of its body & head in different directions) or a half-binky (a little flick of the head that makes its ears wiggle)---a sign of Happiness or |Excitement.
