The Hunger for Sole in the Soul of my #Sole Sole's Soul

A meaning supporting the evolution of the word "Unique" (one of the words outlined at the post linked through the bold text) uncovered ... some stuff---see ...

The word |Sole| is built on ancient words that mean "Bottom, Ground, Foundation or Lowest Point of a thing" (for the 'Planta (of the Human Foot)'- or 'Putting a #Insole within a Shoe or -Boot'-meaning) or "Oneself, Alone, Only, Single, Forsaken, |Extraordinary, Celibate, Unmarried" (for the 'Lonely'-meaning ... with a deep |Reflexive root; see So). 
The 'Fish'-meaning also shares the 'Planta (of the Human Foot)'-root, because that fish resembles a |Sandal.
those are also the meanings beneath #Soles #Soled #Soling #Solely #Solifidian #Solitude #Solo #Sullen #Soliloquy #Soliloquies #Solos #Insoles #FiletOfSole

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

hoodie with the text printed on it: "Those who say NO PUN INTENDED are weak! -->INTEND<-- YOUR PUNS you cowards!"

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