Do We #Philosophize about one #Unique, Shared Universe? or does our #Philosophication Create infinite Universes? @Matt_of_Earth guides us with @PBSspacetime
... in case Matt (Professor O'Dowd) needs you to make comments on Youtube, comment there (where you can see "the description" he mentions)
The word “Philosophize” is 'a portmanteau' of the word Philosophy & the suffix -ize (although the 'verbification' was originally just 'assumed from context' with the original word Philosophy---like "He will 'Philosophy' all about this in an upcoming post".
just like #Philosophaster #Philosophasters ... and now I'm 'coining these words' (or 'babbling like an infant/geezer' 👶👴) #Philosophizes #Philosophized #Philosophizing #Philosophicational #Philosophicationally
just like #Unique #Uniqueness (a good vocal warm-up: say #UniqueNewYork several times in a row - #UniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYorkUniqueNewYork)
And so it goes.
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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