@JesseBWatters' Racism - only excusable if you call it 'Fighting his Xenophobia with a Dose of #Arrogant #AmericanExceptionalism,' yes? | @MMFA

That starts out innocently enough; but we need to remember that innocence as we watch it play out ...

The word “Arrogant” is built on ancient words that mean "to Ask-, Entreat-, Request- (Stretch out the Hand, Move in a Straight Line) -To" (to Haughtily Claim for Oneself, Assume, Give oneself Undue Importance).
just like #Arrogantly #Arrogance
I think "American Exceptionalism" is "some Americans' Belief that they have the Right to Treat Other Humans Harshly in order to Protect their #Exceptional Country's Systems" (I'll check that at the bold link there ... I suppose it's more a matter of 'international policy' than 'xenophobic prejudice,' but---each feeds the other, I guess ...). 
The word “Exceptional” is built on ancient words that mean "Exception (to Take Out of the |Ordinary Course)."
just like #Exception #Exceptionally #Exceptionalism #Unexceptional #ExceptionToTheRule (originally #ExceptionThatProvesTheRule) #TakeException #Exceptionable #Exceptionably

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