#iTB reminds us, The Best #StartingPage isn't always the #FrontPage or the #FirstPage

Yes, ITB explains that 'the JOIN #Page (which you can get to through 'the emboldened link(s)' below) isn't the page that EVERYONE should start on'; but before I explain 'who should start on which page'–and after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway)–I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Page” is built on ancient words that mean "to Fasten (on the notion of |Sheets of Paper 'Fastened' into a Book)" or that mean "Child, Boy, |Lad, Servant (a Youth not yet a Squire, but preparing to be a Knight)" or that mean "to |Summon or Call by Name (on the notion of 'Sending your loyal Page to get a message to someone'---another Occupation '|Stolen by Technology 😖')."
#Pages #Paged #Paging #HomePage #Pagination #Pager #Paginal #PageTurner #PageTornFromTheHistoryBooks


With all the 'web browser displays' you see being called "pages," it's sort of odd that they don't call The Web 'The Book' (unless they're talking about Facebook) or 'The Encyclopaedia' (unless you count the final syllables of Wikipedia).

(of course, a good deal of The Web could be called 'The Tabloid Section' or 'The Newsstand' or 'The Porn-Shop' ...)

But then, not all the 'stories' here fit-together to be presented to you beginning-middle-end. Like ... take for-instance 'the link I shared with you in the 'grain of sand' above'; I haven't examined the link, but I THINK it tells you about 'the goal it'll help you reach when you join.' 

But there's A LOT of your story to go through before you join ... a job or means-of-money to pay for your position in the advertising we'll do for you, acquisition of the technical skill it'll take to operate with their system, etc.

But--like George Lucas starting the saga with Part IV--we trust that you know enough to get started here; and we'll catch you up on our history when we need to.

And you could think of #SplashPages & #SqueezePages as 'tabs' on the book so you can open it right to 'where we're ready for you to start.' (The #SqueezePage is a simple page where you just give your email or -number, and we send you a link to the page you need. 

(The #SplashPage is ... you know those "pop-ups" that aren't exactly 'whole windows,' but that you've got to clear away before you can get to the page you're looking-at?)

ITB gives us a list of splash-pages & squeeze-pages (because those are the ones we want to share on Traffic-Exchanges)

And so it goes.
My New Mantra (one of several)

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