I used to regularly list 'the events advertised in the Oklahoma Gazette' in a Facebook-group you can get to through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; I'll discuss 'why I haven't been doing that lately,' but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Rarer” is built on ancient words that mean "|Thinly Sown, having a Loose |Texture, Not Thick, having |Intervals Between, full of Empty space (|Sparsely Distributed, very Infrequent, |Seldom Found, Widely Separated, Few in number, |Porous, Airy)" (for the "|Thin, Few, Unusual"-sense of the word); "Mixture (|Cook, Confuse, Move, |Stir, |Agitate, Shake)" (for the "Under|cooked"-sense of the word);
or "|Rear (Eager)" (for the "Rise Up on the |Hind Legs"-sense of the word).
#Rare #Rareness #Rarest #RareUp #Rared #Raring #RaringToGo #Rarefy #Rarely #Rarity #RareEarth #MediumRare
When I had just started settling down in my 'retirement' (or maybe 'pre-tirement'?), I figured I could 'participate in society' by looking through a local 'alternative newspaper' and reminding people about big events advertised therein (more money for hosts who advertise in the paper, meaning more advertising, meaning more money for the journalists!)
So I would use the Oklahoma Gazette, as many of the businesses around my roommate's employment would subscribe (that's the way I understand 'alternative newspapers' work: businesses subscribe to the paper, and give all issues FREE to customers).
Then came the COVID-19 pandemic. After about a year-long break, the Oklahoma Gazette started being distributed again---but only twice a month (rather than once a week). But it seems to be available at fewer place now.
(Oh, I know I could go to ISSUU and report them from there, but ... I dunno, maybe I'm 'just not feelin` it.')
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