#Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

My post (about the personality-traits of the horoscope-signs) is linked through 'the main word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Air” is built on ancient words that mean Mist, Haze, |Clouds, |Atmosphere (with roots that mean Blow, Breathe ... with deeper roots that might mean |Raise, Windpipe, |Artery; |Lifting, |Suspended) or Look, Appearance, |Mien, |Bearing, |Tone (possibly from words that mean Field, Place, Productive Land (|Debonair)) or |Aria. 
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These individuals have an intellectual orientation to everything. Before taking action that might be unnecessary, before practicality distracts their attention, and before emotionalism can blur the facts, Air sign people focus their immediate attention on the available information in order to form a complete and unbiased judgement. 
They get sidetracked looking for some lesson to be learned. Attracted to all forms of education and communication, they are adept at making objective decisions and impartial judgments. Caught up in their intellectual approach however, they often fail to realize that no matter how rich the world of imagination, there is no substitute for experiencing the physical and emotional realities of life. 
In personal relationships, they have to remember that high-mindedness is no excuse for lack of sentiment or physical action. In practical matters, Air signs must learn that what works in theory may not work in reality. They are usually the quickest to acquire communicative skills. 
Gemini wants to find out what is going on. Libra does not like to be alone and therefore seeks the companionship of others. Aquarius, inherently intrigued by people and society, wants to be where others are gathered.
