Defending 'Tradition' (it starts as "Pledging," but turns into #Hazing) against "OverProtectiveness" from @CBSSunday & @NICFraternity & @BeautifulSon19 & @Anti_Haze & @AntiHazingApp & @AntiHazingFrat & @UDontHaze & @AH_UCF

A discussion on 'the horrors of Hazing' is linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Hazing” is "a |college-word" (the Brutal |Initiation based on the practice that |Harvard records as 'the |Treatment that Freshmen typically receive, especially from |Sophomores'), built on ancient words that mean "|Irritate, Annoy" (first used with Nautical |Crewmen, when 'all hands were called on deck to "come and see it rain," when they were forced to do all kinds of useless chores in order to "work their old iron up."')

#Haze #Hazed

The noun (meaning "|Opaqueness of the |Atmosphere" or "Confusion, |Vagueness") is a back-formation of #Hazy, a word of unknown (probably Nautical) origin---maybe ancient words that mean Hare (involving superstitious fears about bringing dead rabbits aboard boats or bad things happening if you even say the word 'Hare' while aboard a ship), maybe ancient words that mean Grey.
