Some #Nautical Know-how Needed to #Navigate the NFT-niverse with @CryptoTabNFT | @petermello

I'm still paddling around in the shallow water, and I'll explain why (and perhaps how CryptoTab could convince me to push off into The Deep) below the subscribe-bar. 

That came to mind when CryptoTab invited me to 'upgrade' to their NFT-miner ... something I discuss in a forum you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; you can make a little money on that forum, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Nautical” is built on ancient words that mean "Ship/Boat" (beneath 'weight-bearing' ancient words that mean "Sailor, Naval, Seafaring" ... describing the industry that supports the origins of ALL words, yes?).
#Nautically #Aeronautics #Astronaut #Astronautics #Astronauts #Aquanaut #Argonaut #Cosmonaut #Nautilus
The word “Navigate” is built on ancient words that mean "to Drive Forward-, Draw out/forth-, Move-, Set in Motion-the Ship/Boat."
#Navigates #Navigated #Navigating #Navigation #Navigator #Navigational #Navigators


I explain 'cryptocurrency-mining' in the forum---basically; miners' computers 'send numbers to a main computer,' and the first one of us to send 'the right number' wins a prize. 

As indicated by the word 'basically,' there are lots of more-complicated ways to explain it (as the programming beneath our actions is actually 'verifying the commands of the customer to the money-transferring tools that our "mining" hides beneath the secret numbers'), but we humans are only concerned with 'getting rewards for faithfully doing our simple tasks.'

And that 'touches on' "why I haven't pushed out into the deeper #NFTniverse (a portmanteau of NFT & Universe)." When I say 'getting rewards,' I mean real money! They send me 'pop-up ads' inviting me to buy their new tokens that 'earn' higher amounts ... I don't know; I guess I haven't 'earned' enough to 'buy' more, because I get stuck at the 'transfer BTC to ETH ...'

As "a wise man builds on solid ground," I guess I want to be reminded that I stack my BTC on a solid bankvault-floor ... the crypto-fireworks are a lot less fun if you suspect that the launchpad is sinking into the swamp!
