'Anti-Abortion #Zealots who Turn-in Abortion-Conspirators for #Bounties of Thousands-of-Dollars' - What Would You Call Those Kinds of #Bounty-Hunters? 'Abortihadis'? 'Abort-bulence-Chasers'? ... @NatProgParty

We discuss 'that unbelievable way people might actually get money' in a forum (that really can make you some money---no lawsuit required!) linked through 'those words' below; but first I want to understand those words better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Bounty” is built on ancient words that mean Good (see Bonus ... #Bounteous #Bountiful #BountyJumper #BountyHunter-sense, a Reward for |Catching- or Killing-a Criminal or -Enemy (or a Premium- or Gratuity for a Military Recruit), from the sense of "a Gift bestowed by the Sovereign or the State). 
The word “Zealots (or #Zealotry #Zealots #Zeal #Zealous)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Seek, |Request, Desire."

The 'new words' are portmanteaus (portmanti?); one of 'Abortion' & #Jihadis (Muslim
Infidel-Assassins, I think), one of 'Abortion' and #AmbulanceChasers (what they
 call those injury-lawyers who make most of their money off of clients they find by
 Chasing #Ambulances).

The word “Jihadis (a #Jihadi is one who believes in #Jihad)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Wage War, to |Apply oneself" (Islam's Holy War (against unbelievers), extended to refer to any such organization's Doctrinal |Crusade). 
The word “Ambulances” is built on ancient words that mean "to Walk, Go About" (see Amble ... #Ambulance originally referred to a Mobile Hospital on the Warfront, then to |Vehicles transporting the |Wounded to the M.A.S.H. (tho I'm not sure if that's what they called their Med-Center), and finally to such vehicles in |Civilian Life).


I hear the news-anchors describe 'what the pro-life zealots might do if they hear about "anyone they know-of" getting an abortion,' and I think of things I've heard about some whole "report your neighbor"-campaign some foreign power did in the `40s or `50s ...
