Discovering Myself through #RPGs (@HeroWarsWeb, #HeroesUnleashed @LEGO_Group ... all the way back to 'a version of @FinalFantasy,' almost @Legend_of_Zelda @ZeldaWiki @ZeldaUniverse @LegendOfZeldaAU) | @MartinStellinga @Wikipedia

I'll link to a discussion (where I get into 'the autobiography of this side-role' through that initialism/acronym; but first I want to understand that initialism (and its words) a little better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

#RPG stands for Role-Playing Game (if not referring to a Rocket-Propelled Grenade ... but you can call it a Role-Playing Video-Game or a Computer Role-Playing Game (#CRPG) if you want), because--according to Martin Stellinga--you Play a Role (rather than 'control a piece') when you participate in the Game  
(it has evolved from 'a group of players interacting with each other & -with imaginary characters through a Dungeon-Master (a.k.a. Game-Master, for Dungeons & Dragons' copyright-purposes)' to 'players' characters interacting with imaginary characters (and each other's characters) in a complex Virtual-World controlled Computer-Software (similar to the Dice of a Dungeon-Master)).


That image matches 'general character-types' to your Meyers-Briggs type, and it links to an article which describes the 'more-specific character-types' listed below:
1. ISTJ – The Logistician
2. ISFJ – The Defender
3. ISTP – The Virtuoso
4. ISFP – The Adventurer
5. ESFJ – The Consul - sometimes me
6. ESFP – The Entertainer
7. ESTJ – The Executive - sometimes me
8. ESTP – The Entrepreneur
9. INTJ – The Architect
10. INTP – The Logician
11. INFP – The Mediator
12. INFJ – The Advocate
13. ENTP – The Debater
14. ENTJ – The Commander
15. ENFP – The Campaigner
16. ENFJ­ – The Protagonist
Tho I may be a few of the above types, the real 'character' I think I am is the #Coach (or the #Demigod (like Raiden in MORTAL KOMBAT ... originally 'one of the combatants (and my favorite one to play),' who--you probably know--was 'the demigod who put Earth-realm's team together' in the movies); because I like to play the kind of RPG where you basically 'manage the team.' 

... oh, I sometimes can get involved with one of the characters on my team (giving them an extra boost in skills & strengths, kinda like Raiden did with the character Liu Kang (son of Kung Lao) in the original MORTAL KOMBAT-movie); but I usually like to leave it up to chance (like the Dungeon-Master's dice ... I would say I'm 'a Dungeon-Master,' but no; the computer-software takes care of that).

The word "Coach" is built on ancient words that mean "of Kocs (Hungary, where the Four-Wheeled Covered Carriage was first constructed; later applied to Train-Cars and Economy- or Tourist-Class Air-Travel)" (the Athletic Sports-Trainer sense is transferred from the college-slang for a Private Tutor who would 'Carry' their Student through their School-Work & the Exams). 
#Coached #Coaching #CoachBox #CoachHorse #CoachMaker #Coachman #PorteCochere #Stagecoach  
The word "Demigod" is built of the word God + the prefix #Demi-. #Demigoddess
The prefix "Demi-" is built on ancient words that mean Middle. #SemiDemi- #DemiMonde #Demiseimiquaver #DemiTasse #Hemidemisemiquaver
