#DoctorJohnBarnett explains that Salvation is only a New #Software (being used on the Same Old #Hardware you previously Ruined in Sin) | @jwORGuPDATES

It's something he says in the video linked from the post that's linked through 'the main words' below; but I feel it's more important to understand those words better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Software” (if not "Cotton or Woolen goods" or "Perishable goods," with a name built of Soft + Ware) is a coinage based on "Hardware." #Adware #Firmware #Liveware #Malware #Spyware 
The word "Hardware" is built of the words Hard & Ware. (hmm ... you might expect it to be connected to #HardWired ... or maybe that's just me, seeing it listed right next to 'Hardware' on my source). #HardwareStore #HardwareShop 
The word "Hardwired" (in Computers, that's "Permanently Connected |Circuits performing Unchangible Functions") is built of Hard + Wire.

Dr. Barnett explains (amid his proclamations that we need to surrender our minds to Our Heavenly Father) that Salvation is only an upgraded software (or call it 'a new Operating-System') we run on the same old hardware we started with---that's why we all suffer from our old sins even after they've been 'erased from our Heavenly record' (I guess not "erased"--as we'll still suffer from them until we physically replace them or -we 'leave this world'--but more like "redacted" from our Heavenly record).

I guess that's where the atheists would come in with their, "If Our Heavenly Father is 'all-powerful,' why can't he replace our old hardware?"

 'I would answer' (or 'I imagine a believing theologian would answer'), "Because he already decided he had 'perfected' humankind (or at least 'gotten as good as he needs it to get') when 'He looked and saw that IT IS GOOD.'"

It went 'bad' when we started loading it with the wrong software.

We freely chose that software--"choosing whether or not to obey based on 'what the result would probably be' rather than 'our love for the command-giver'" (whether that's 'Eve choosing the apple because it probably-would taste good & -wouldn't kill her (rather than not-eating it because her husband told her Our Heavenly Father said not to)' or 'you doing something for an instant pleasure rather than saving yourself for higher use')--

and ruined our practically-perfect hardware as the dysfunctional software ran it wrong!

And 'why did Our Heavenly Father give us Free Will?' the closest explanation I can find is because he made us IN HIS LIKENESS.
