Hulk's "MCU Canon" Origin-Movie was ... Not an Origin-Story so much as a 'Crucial #Episode' | joining 'the conversation' with @Philosexyful @Looper @CBR @mARVELsTUDIOS @MarvelsContent @TorchD16 @Film_Cram @SmallYoutubersOrg @StackChristian @ComicBookCast3

I re-watched it, and ... I'm glad they did the--SPOILER WARNING

The word |Episode| is built on the proto-word *en "In" (evolving through ancient words that mean "Entrance, Coming in, Way Into ... see Exodus) + a prefix that means "in Addition (see |Epi-)" (the word originally meant "Commentary between Two Choric Songs in a Greek Tragedy" or "an Incidental Narrative or Digression within a Story or Poem etc." ... 
(used to describe "Individual Broadcasts of Serial Radio Programs" in the 1930s (from there to Television Series, etc.))
on which are also-built #Episodes #Episodic #Episodical

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

I didn't see Bixby or Colvin (were they still alive? are they now?), but Ferrigno did have a small part---the security-desk attendant that lets Banner back into Ross's lab

I started out kind-of annoyed that 'they did the whole origin-story within the movie's opening credits.' But it did show the origin of his "heroism"---which is what I guess most heroes' stories are today ... I'm reminded of The Oracle's wisdom (in THE MATRIX or one of its sequels), 'You're not here to make the choice, but to understand why you made that choice.'

Throughout the film, I was moved to wonder ... several things ...

My New Mantra (one of several) - Nothing is forever except Change (BUddhA)

... and I have to mention that a lot of help (a share of revenue, extra topics from magazines & advertising, etc.) comes from WowApp: Using the Wowism Community's Fairness to Prevail over Economic Greed
