#Exodus (both 'the word as used today' & #TheBookOf @theBibleHub)

That word (and the related words) came up as I researched the word that was brought up by an advertorial (introduced to me through a Taboola chumbox shared on my WowApp-homepage) linked from a post I link to through the bold text ...

The word “Exodus” (its modern use stemming from its use as the title of the second book of The Bible, though the original Hebrew for that book's title meant "Names") is built on ancient words that mean "a Way-, Path-, Road-, Ride-, Journey- or March Out (a Means, Death, Departure, Solemn Procession, Military Expedition, Course, Progress, to Tread- or Go on ... see Ex-)."

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

And so it goes.
My New Mantra (one of several)

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