Advertorial 'Mentions' (and apparently Links to a Video about) @IkariaSlim_, a Simple 9-Second #Method that'll Transform Your Body into a Fat Burning Machine | @Taboola @WowAppOFFICIAL @GoogleDrive
Well, I link to the advertorial (introduced to me through a Taboola chumbox shared on my WowApp-homepage) through the bold text ...
The word “Method” is built on ancient words that mean "in Pursuit- or Quest for a System, -Way, -Manner, -Traveling, -Journey, -Path, -Track, -Road" (see Meta-, Exodus).
just like #Methods #MethodActor (student of Stanislavsky's #MethodActing) #Methodical #Methodize #Methodology #ScientificMethod
"People are trying to SLEEP!" now, so I haven't started watching the video yet ...
But the advertorial ALSO links to a .PDF that lists addresses of research-reports on the after-dinner routine: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
I'm watching the video, and it's telling me 'this really works! this really-really works! this really-really-really- ...' and I'm going, 'Okay, WHAT IS IT!'
They keep saying it's a Ancient Greek secret. It's something simpler than 'taking a walk after you eat' (a trick we often use after a late Thanksgiving dinner), because they say it only takes seven seconds a day!
... Testimonials ... Testimonials ... a process you body already has for you to use ... it's permanent weight-loss ... this university-backed, 'weight loss'-industry-hidden discovery will change your life forever ... all-natural Greek solution ... promoted by a former U.S. Navy-officer ...
... his wife's after-second-pregnancy weight wouldn't come off; she tried everything----all the popular diets & exercise-programs, and they all failed; then she fainted & nearly died ... "Something needs to change, Something needs to change" ... standard advice about weight-loss does not work ...
Lucas Panos--the spokesman's old college roommate--didn't recognize the wife because of the weight-gain, and told them of the Greek secret. Ikaria (Greece) is in a Blue Zone---one of only 5 places on Earth where the people are---I dunno, super-healthy? Ikaria is "the place where people forget to die."
Weight-loss companies control ALL American food, and are steadily fattening you so they can sell you more weight-loss. But the solution is a simple protocol ... all-natural, directly from Ikaria ... ingredient transforms fat-cells from storage to burning---"fat oxidation"
Upgrades the body's "Model-T" to a "Mazarati" ... Life Starts to Feel Better ... but you need to continue The Protocol, even after you reach a goal/plateau---but it's simple, seven seconds; nothing too arduous.
And they optimized The Protocol to spread it WORLDWIDE! a done-for-you all-natural remedy! No more "counting calories!" FDA-Certified ingredients like L-Carnitine (amino-acid made in the human brain, liver, kidneys; turns fat into energy), Raspberry Ketones, Glucomannan, B-12, B-6 (which the body does not produce on its own), Green Tea Leaf Extract (increases norepinephrine)
... really works, really-really works, really-really-really- ...
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I'm sure Ikaria Slim IS NOT a "Snake Oil," but the ads & video have a 'BUY NOW!'-ring to them |
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