A Topic (I Started) inspires Me to review #Narrator Perspectives (the #FirstPerson #SecondPerson #ThirdPerson (the #ThirdPersonLimited #ThirdPersonOmniscient #ThirdPersonObjective), @MerriamWebster reminds us)

I wonder 'in what point-of-view does one talk to oneself?' in a paying discussion you can join through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Narrator” is built on ancient words that mean "to Know" (a base that supports 'load-bearing words' that mean "to make |Acquainted with-, Explain-, Recount-, Relate-, Tell in Order the Particulars of some Action, -Occurrence or -Affair; Tale, |Statement, Story; Historian, Radio-Commentator" ... but type it enough & it starts to look ''Narcissistic').
#Narrate #Narration #Narrative #Narrations #Narratives #Narrators #Narrates #Narrating #Narrated #Narratable (sounds more correct than the original #Narrable but means the same thing)


You can read Merriam-Webster's report on point-of-view, but I'll summarize:
  • First Person is when the narrator is a character in the story, telling it from their perspective.
  • Second Person is when you (the reader) are part of the story (making it another form of ...
  • Third Person is when the narrator is not a character in the story
    • Third Person Omniscient is when the narrator knows all the characters' thoughts.
    • Third Person Limited is when the narrator only knows the thoughts of the main character(s)
    • Third Person Objective is when the narrator only knows what is visible in the story's universe
  • Granted, those definitions don't limit all stories to "choosing one-and-only-one point-of-view"; reminding me that--as the picture shows--the points-of-view usually describe Pronouns (the #FirstPersonPronouns #SecondPersonPronouns #ThirdPersonPronouns 🤓)
