Wait a Minute! If someone I List is a "Celebrity," Why Do I Sometimes Have to #Recount their Fame to you? | #Recounted #Recounted #Raconteur #Raconteuse #Counted #Countess #CountOnMe

I'll try to explain below (and might start a discussion at the forum (that pays YOU to participate!) linked through 'that word' below); but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Recount” (not necessarily "#Counting Again," but more like "Telling 'My #Account' of-") is built on ancient words that mean "to Relate-, Reckon Again" (although it is related to the word #Count). 
The word "Count" is built on ancient words that mean "to Prune (Cut, |Strike, |Stamp) With, -Together" or (for the Title of Nobility) "to Go With" or "to Sum up."

#CountMeIn #CountAgainst #CountThemOut #Countable #Countdown #Countless #Miscount #Uncountable #Uncounted #Viscount


If I have to-tell you who they are or -go & look for myself, are they really a celebrity? 'Them personally,' no; but 'the personality you frequently see them playing.'

I think of Stephen Colbert. He spent years 'playing a character' on Comedy Central, then he's been hosting The Late Show ... presumably as "himself," but 'himself' has the same name as the character he played!

(in fact, the word "Person" is based on ancient words referring to 'the masks actors
 wore on stage' 🤨)

All I'm saying is '"The memory you 'frequent' (another base of the word 'Celebrity')" may only be "an image or job or character played by the person whose birthday gets celebrated."'
