'Reputation' is #Pruned Differently in @Forumcoin ... | @theBibleHub

In the forum on myLot, I could click the 'thumbs up' on each fellow-member's post ... and it became (to me) almost 'a checkmark that showed I had read it and regarded it as worth the second-or-two of time reading it' (i.e. I 'thumbs up'-ed almost every post I read on that forum).

But coming to Forumcoin, I find that I'm limited in the number of 'thumbs up's I can give---probably because Forumcoin gives its members special access according to 'how many #ReputationPoints they have.'

Forumcoin explains a bit about reputation-points in an F.A.Q. you can get to through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first–after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway)–I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Pruned” (meaning of a 'grain of sand' that supports "Reputation") is built on ancient words that mean "Cut Back the |Plum Tree or the -|Plumage (as a Bird |Preens)" or "to Round off the Vine in the Front (see Pro-, Prop)."
#Prune #Pruning #Prunes #PruneJuice #PruningHook #PruningKnife

I'm reminded of The Bible, where Our Father is described as a farmer dressing The Vine, Pruning the unproductive twigs before they become fruitless branches.
The word used there is “καθαίρει (kathairei),” also translated "|Purge."
#Prune #Pruning #Prunes #PruneJuice #PruningHook #PruningKnife


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