Correcting 'Your Reading' of the @CopelandNetwork #BVOV-article #FactVsTruth | @theBibleHub #Staunch #Occur #Staunchly #Occurrence #Occurred #Occurring #Reoccur
I'll review the BVOV-article below the etymologies of 'the main words' (which are linked to a collection of past issues of BVOV ... I'm currently lacking the patience to go through the issues to find the one that contains the above-mentioned article); but first I want to understand those words better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)
The word “Truth” is built on ancient words, one of which means "Steadfast"; which is built on ancient words, one of which means "Staunch"; which is built on ancient words that mean "to Stand Firm" (as in 'Truth's foundation, but 'Staunch's foundations' derivatives also include words that mean |Tired, Exhausted, |Weary, |Vanquished, |Withered, |Dried ... but when it's used to describe a person, Staunch means Standing Firm & True to one's Principles, drawing from the foundations that means |Watertight, Strong, Substantial).
The word “Fact” is built on ancient words, one of which means "Occur"; which is built on ancient words that mean "to Run |Against, -Toward (|Ob-)."
Factvs.Truthby Kenneth CopelandJesus commanded us to operate in the same 'God kind of faith' He has. He also told us that anyone who did it would have the same results. After all, it's His faith that's in us. He put it there.That being the case, how do we deal with the fact that so many Christians are being defeated by sickness, poverty and every other kind of problem? By understanding that those defeats are "fact," but they are not "truth."You see, facts can be changed. Truth can't. Truth supersedes fact. Spiritual law supersedes natural, physical law."The law of gravity"--for example--is a fact. But there is a higher law than the law of gravity. Those in the aeronautical industry know it as the law of lift. If you do certain things--make an airplane, build the wing right and engine powerful enough and so on--you'll be able to put the law of lift into motion and make an airplane fly.How does that happen? Does gravity cease to be a fact? No. The law of lift simply supersedes it.In the same way, sickness and disease are facts. But those facts can be superseded by the truth in Isaiah 53:5, "With [Jesus's] stripes we are healed." It's a truthy that can never be changed. What's more, if you'll apply that truth, it will overcome sickness every time! Truth applied changes facts.Applying it. That's the key. You can put on your finest traveling clothes, pack your luggage and go sit down in a perfectly good airplane...but you won't get 6 inches off the ground unless somebody turns on the engines and begins to put the law of lift into motion.What we need to do is apply our faith just like Jesus did. We need to learn to supersede our natural circumstances by activating the supernatural law of faith. So apply the truth to your facts today. Speak Isaiah 53:5 to your body. Speak Philippians 4:19 to your needs. Speak Isaiah 54:13 over your children. And watch the truth change the facts!
'... change the facts ..." That's where atheists/dissenters attack the believers, because FACTS DON'T CHANGE! (Brother Kenneth says as much above, stating that you have to constantly apply the truth to 'the facts that are not productive to you').
Atheists/dissenters often use the argument, "If God is 'all-powerful,' why do 'His children' suffer things He might prevent?" echoing Lord Jesus Christ's declaration that 'a father feeds his children with food & not gravel or live carnivores.'
But Brother Kenneth's 'truth changes fact' is right ... in a way. What way? Maybe we should rephrase it 'truth changes which facts matter.' E.g.: Fact: I am well-fed; also Fact: People elsewhere are dying of hunger; The truth: food is earned, so people who don't earn their food must intend to go hungry. (So God provides it when we 'ask for it' by earning it.)
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Pilate to Jesus: "What is Truth? ... (Is Truth 'unchanging law'? We both have 'truths'; are mine the same as yours?)" |
Looking for an online copy of the quoted article, I came across
- How To Tell The Difference Between Fact and Truth | Victorious Living (
- Truth Under Attack | Kenneth Copeland Ministries ( (The Truth about Slavery, Helping America Love the Truth Again, The Truth about Christopher Columbus, Black Heroism in American History, and other videos of historical accounts
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