@Maddow this week Shined a Light (as Brightly as Every Week, Sure) on some True #Nobility - Like #BatmanAndRobin (and Loki), but FORREAL! @eJeanCarroll @KaplanRobbie | @MileyCyrus @AlFranken

The word "Heroes" came to mind as I watched E. Jean & Robbie, lifted in glory from their victory over the Tangerine Drama-Queen. And again  as she commented on Joe Flood 'speaking truth to power-- (or to 'whatever that white-supremacist glee club thought it was'). 

That word is upheld by word(s) with the meaning in bold text below (linking to highlights from Maddow's latest Reveal-a-thon) ...

The word “Nobility” is built on ancient words that mean "Well-Known, Socially/Politically |Prominent (Privileged, Soul-Elevating, Lofty in Tone, |Superior, Excellent, of High Birth, Famous, Celebrated, Graceful, |Dignified, Rare, Grand, |Majestic, Renowned, Honorable, |Splendid, Distinguished, |Illustrious, Ranking Above the Commoner)"
just like #Noble #Ennoble #Ennobled #Ennobler
 #Ennobling #Nobleman #Nobleness #Noblesse #Nobly
 #Noblewoman #Nobilities #Ennoblers #Noblenesses

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

Yes, many of those 'supporting words' take the tone of "Hoity-Toity" (especially if someone uses them to describe themselves ... which is why 'people who do self-affirmations out-loud (in public, where everyone can see & hear)' seem so pathetic---worthy of ... oh, I don't know ... a highly famous SNL skit-series);

But if others use them to describe you, you feel like you deserve them even more than if you earned them and paid for them and gave them to yourself!

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