Is it Still a #WritersLift if the Writer doesn't Rise #Above Other Writers to be shown to 'an Audience in Rapt Anticipation'? | @TeamYoutube @Twitter @HeidiAngell
... because 'such an audience' is what I want—not necessarily 'a captive audience,' but ... like 'the audience before a warm-up comedian/act before the main event at a sold-out concert' (i.e. maybe they're not here to hear me, but 'the people running the show' decided my stuff was worth hearing).
That's what I think when I see 'Twitter-user after Twitter-user' doing "Writers-Lifts" (a few of which I've 'submitted to'), but ... I don't know—I guess I don't feel like I've been 'lifted' ... I'll discuss it more below ...
This topic came to mind when I saw 'this video from Team YouTube featured, about "how to follow an artists' TRUE YouTube account (without having to follow ALL THE COPYCAT ACCOUNTS that usually crop up around a good artist)"' that's linked through the word 'Above' (hyperlinked below); but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)
The word “Above” is built on ancient words that mean On + 'Over' (By High, By Up-From-Under).
#Aboveboard #Abovementioned #AboveAll #AboveTheirHead #AboveGround
I might be mistaking 'Writers-Lifts' for something else---they're not 'doing Writers-Lifts' "to make one- or the other-writer more popular" so much as they do them "to shine a light on the fact that there 'Writers' are the backbone of all the other media forms (we write the books, newspaper- & magazine- & newsletter- & blog-articles ... we write the songs, we write the songs ...)."
That is; a Writers' Lift (on Twitter, and maybe on other social-media) is essentially 'an invitation (from the user doing the Writers' Lift) to share your links with them in comments on that Writers-Lift post.'
The reason I haven't felt "lifted"? 'Sharing links' is essentially what I've been doing on Twitter for as long as I've been able to (links to many-many things---a few things I'm not proud-of, but hopefully many-many more valuable & educational things).
So how does one 'do a Writers-Lift' that really lifts each writer (for a moment, at least)? In short, you mention them (most likely in connection to their latest/most-important work) on 'a platform that's "guaranteed" a HUGE Audience-in-Rapt-Anticipation' (which is essentially 'what television is' ... the reason-whyndash;even though there are now hundreds of channels to choose from, plus about half-a-dozen other media-devices with dozens-to-hundreds of options on eachndash;advertising-dollars still 'power the whole media-landscape').
The biggest Writers-Lifts I've seen have been on talk-shows (tho Stephen Colbert calls his LATE SHOW Writers-Lifts "The Colbert Bump," and I've seen books featured on The Daily Show, CBS Sunday Morning, and have heard about books getting 'bumps' from Oprah-etc.
Twitter-users hope to copy 'that kind of bump' by posting Tweets that mention 'writers who submit to their Writers-Lifts.'
But it doesn't transfer so well. Let's look at some facts: I've currently got about 6300 followers on Twitter (most of which are probably 'follow-backs' from the 6800-some whom I 'follow')—I 'strain to say' "followers," because they're more like 'other Twitter-users who put you on their lists'&—of the 6800+ users I have on my list, I'd be surprised if I see more than 100 per day (and right now probably couldn't tell you any of their names off the top o' my head).
I consider Twitter 'my main audience,' but my thinking may be a little misguided there ... like I said, I've got about 6300 'followers'; but about 1% of my viewers come from there (or maybe 3-to-4% ... I feed a lot of my links through Buffer, and a lot of them get turned into (a domain that Twitter uses), and I don't know if they're counting them separately or together or what ...)
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I don't know about Angell's writers-lifts, but ... |
When I do a Writers-Lift (I'm not sure if that's the right punctuation, or if it's supposed to be Writers' Lift or Writer's Lift or Writers Lift ... I think I've only ever seen it written #WritersLift), I'm going to 'pin' it (where I currently have 'An Outcry of TRUE Republicans over the Disgrace of their party's takeover by the Trumplican Cult')
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