I once read a Buddhist text-translation that said, "All religions are Buddhism." And it explained 'why' (basically, 'because all of them require that you "follow" (-ism) "someone who is awakened to the enlightening truth" (Buddh-)').
But 'which version of that Truth' do you follow-after? Sure, there's Christianity's beliefs (preserved/hinted-at in their Holy Bible); along with Judaism in the Torah/Tanakh, Islam in the Quran, Satanism in the ... how am I suppost to know?, and Buddhism in various texts.
But sometimes some people have to follow The Truth (whatever the version) in a different way ... different enough that they have to start a WHOLE NEW CHURCH! 'Buddhism-in-Name' has #Mahayana, #Vajrayana, Nichiren (which might be one of the NINETEEN schools of #Nikaya), #Theravada, #Tibetan ...
This came up while I was writing a post you can get to through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first–after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway)–I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Denomination” is built on ancient words that mean "to Name 'Completely' (though Doesn't 'De-' bring more of 'Negatively'-sense?)"
#Denominational #Subdenomination
The word “Vajrayana” is built on ancient words that mean "Vehicle of the Diamond or -Thunderbolt."
#VajrayanaBuddhism #Vajrayanic
The word “Mahayana” is built on ancient words that mean "Great Vehicle"
#MahayanaBuddism #Mahayanic
The word “Nikaya” is built on ancient words that mean "Volume, Collection, Assemblage, Class, Group."
#NikayaBuddhism #Nikayic #Nikayaic
The word “Theravada” is built on ancient words that mean "the Teaching of the Elders" (the oldest surviving branch of Buddhism).
#TheravadaBuddhism #Theravadic
The word “Tibetan” is said to be a corruption of the name "Bod."
#Tibet #Tibetian #TibetanBuddhism
I searched to find out how many types of Buddhism there are, and--though Bing mainly agrees that there are Four (one of the four broken into 19 'schools')--the search-results varied---some mentioned #Hinayana, #Amitabha or #Amida or Pure Land Buddhism, #Tendai, the #Pali Canon, The Five Precepts (common to most branches of Buddhism)
#HirayanaBuddhism #Hirayanic
#AmitabhaBuddhism #Amitabhic
Amida, built on ancient words that mean "|Upright."
#AmidaBuddhism #Amidic #Amidaic
Tendai, built on |T'ien T'ai (the mountain where its doctrine was first formulated).
#TendaiBuddhism #Tendaiic
Pali, built on ancient words that mean "|Series" (the language "bearing that epithet in consequence of the perfection of its grammatical structure").
And then there are 'the denominations one is usually thinking-of when one says "denominations"'---different 'churches' of Christianity (or maybe a few 'churches' of Islam): Islam has the infamous Sunni & Shia; Christianity has Roman Catholicism (some say that church is NOT Christian (or 'AntiChrist'-ian 😏), but it's at-least 'based on' Christianity), there's the Eastern Orthodox churches, and the Protestant churches (which 'Protested' the Catholic church's authority) include Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Seventh-Day Adventists, Sabbatarians ... and many-many more.
And there are also a lot of denominations in a lot of religions I'm not even thinking about now ...
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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