@CHEDDAR critiques the @USDOT (&/or @usdotFHWA) decision to add a #CarpoolLane (an #HOV Lane) | @DMVorg @Wikipedia @ReadersDigest @readOKwhatever #Carpooling #Carpooled #Carpool #Vehicular #Vehicles #Vehicle

CHEDDAR highlights The H.O.V.-Lane Paradox(es) in a report linked through 'those words' below; but first I want to understand those words better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

H.O.V. stands for "High Occupancy Vehicle" (originally, only busses qualified; then vans, then full cars, down to 'at least one passenger').
The word “Carpool” is built of the words Car & Pool (the idea is that 'a Crowd of people' jump into the Pool that the Vehicle carries). 
The word "Vehicle" is built on ancient words that mean "to Go, Move, Transport" (same foundation as |Wagon).


carpool-cheaters caught on 'camera'

Looking for the people in authority (and still not sure if I found them ... The Federal Highway Administration? or does The Department of Transportation take care of it first? (or are they THE SAME THING?)), I found a few other pieces of info: 
