#TheProdigalRachelReturns! @Maddow regales us with Renewed Vigor, Fresh from #Hiatus! Thankful to @MSNBC, @AliVelshi, and @YouKnowMoreNow @MaddowFans @MSNBCrachel @CADream etc. | @BibleHub_

'Rachel Maddow returns from her hiatus' in a video you can probably access through 'the bold link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Hiatus” is built on ancient words that mean to |Yawn, |Gape, be Wide Open (the sense of the word now is 'a Gap or |Interruption in attendance, -events etc.'; the original sense was that of a Break, Aperture or |Rupture in the Anatomy 🤢).
#Hiatuses #Hiatal

Saying "The #Prodigal Rachel Returns," I evoke the sense of the phrase #TheProdigalSonReturns, which comes from Lord Jesus Christ's parable of "The #ProdigalSon" (in which a farm-owner's 'second son' decides to take his inheritance early and--thus disowned--go make his way in the world, but fails miserably and is only saved by the father's grace when he returns to the father and is restored to his full son-status).
The word "Prodigal" is built on ancient words that mean "to set in Motion-, Drive-, Do-, Draw- or Perform Forth or -Forward" (looking at the parable: the only place the Scripture itself uses the word "Prodigal," it's referring to the Riotous, Thriftless, Wasteful, |Extravagant, Loose, |Debauched, |Profligate way the son was living after he left the family's farm (before he '|Returned').)

#Prodigally #Prodigality 


in case MSNBC's link isn't connecting right now,
