@_SecondThought explains that #Riot in D.C. ... "a #Coup Attempt" in the same way a Valentine-Card is "a Marriage-Contract"

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" (below hyperlinked to a discussion of the insignificance of the recent #raucous' (you might spell it "ruckuss") in Washington D.C.) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Riot” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Roar" ( |Quarrel, |Dispute, |Uproar ... 'to #RunRiot was a metaphor based on 'Hunters' Hounds Following the Wrong Scent'). #Rioted #Rioter #Rioting #Riotous #Riots #RiotAct #RaceRiot #RiotGrrl
The word “Coup” is built on ancient words that mean Blow, |Buffet, Punch, |Slap (the effective 'Coup' (which the "action" in D.C. didn't even approach) is short for |CoupDEtat (Coup d'etat), but the base-word refers to everything from 'Boxing the Ears' to 'a Pat on the Back,' 'a Whipping,' 'Thunder,' 'Gusts of Wind,' 'Gunshots' & 'Chess-Moves'). #Beaucoup #CoupDeFoudre #CoupDeGrace #Coupe #Recoup 
The word “Raucous (which is all that the 'riot' really was)” is built on ancient words that mean |Hoarse |Cries ( |Barking, |Howl, Wail, |Bellow ... probably related to the same phrase as 'Run Riot'---Etymonline says it's an adjective, but I distinctly remember Dave Chappelle using it as a noun (probably because of his phonetic pronunciation of the word)). #Raucouses

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