The #Traits that @16Personalities Measures to Remind Us Who-We-Are | #Trait #PersonalityTraits #PersonalityTrait #DefiningTrait

Looking over my 16Personalities-profile (linked through 'Traits' below), I see how 16P assigns the measurements they assign. We'll go into that a little bit, but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Traits (& #Trait)” is built on ancient words that mean PullDraw (Tract ... Distinguishing Characteristic made like a Drawn |Line (e.g. a scar or wrinkle), though originally "a |Missile, |Shot").


The 16P-measurements are noted with sets of five letters (like my ENFJ-A). The first letter--Introverted or Extraverted (E)--is the Mind-trait, determining how one interacts with one's environment. The second letter--Observant or Intuitive (N)--is the Energy-trait, indicating one's mental focus. The third letter--Thinking or Feeling (F)--is the Nature-trait, determining how one makes decisions and copes with emotions. The fourth letter--Prospecting or Judging (J)--is the Tactics-trait, reflecting one's approach to work, planning and decision-making.

And the fifth letter--Turbulent or Assertive (A)--is the Identity-trait, which is the level of confidence one has in their abilities & decisions.

What I'm seeing is that I--like most-everyone, I suppose--am not '100% one-way' on any of these personality-traits---they might as well be 'enfj-a' (all lowercase) with none of the traits coming out as 'more than double its opposite.'

The closest I get is 64% Judging- (over a 36% Prospecting) on Tactics, followed  closely by a 62% Intuitive- (over a 38% ObservantEnergy---so maybe 'eNfJ-a.'

I'm sure you expect the hyperlinked words above to lead to blog-entries about 'those personality-traits.' While a few of them will do-so soon (the links I'll color 'green' (I think)), right now all the links are just evidence of ... I want to call it 'the Sower Principle' (after Lord Jesus Christ's "Parable of the Sower")--how The Sower 'planted the seeds' by simply tossing them hither-&-yon on the farmer's land--

but it might be better-named 'The Mustard-Seed Principle,' based on another of Lord Jesus Christ's parables---the one about how--though it is the smallest of seeds--the mustard-seed still grows into a tree that serves as as-good-a-home-as-any to the nesting bird ... just like these words having-to-do-with my interest in Personality can also be said to have-to-do-with a few other interests!
