I searched 'jesus commercial on cnn,' and it brought up ... #Maitreya | @Wikipedia @theBibleHub @RoundSaturnsEye

I heard that CNN was running 'evangelizing commercials' ("Have YOU made Jesus your personal Lord & Savior? ..." etc.), so I 'searched' (not 'on Youtube,' but 'on Bing, who sent me to this YouTube video') and I found ...

Well, I'll link to it through 'the main word' below & describe it beneath (since I don't want to risk subliminally indoctrinating you with any false teachings); but first I want to understand that name better. And I find that you understand names better when you look at the words at their bases ...

The name “Maitreya” is built on ancient words that mean Friend (the Maitreya is regarded as 'a future Buddha (one of the Bodhisattvas whom Buddhists know as "the Dalai Lama") who will achieve Full |Enlightenment and will Teach the Pure Dharma'). #Ajita - मैत्रेय - Metteyya - အရိမေတ္တယျ - 彌勒菩薩 - 弥勒菩萨 - みろくぼさつ - 弥勒菩薩 - မဲၣ်တယါ ဘူးဒး - សិអារ្យមេត្រី, អរិយមេត្តយ្យ - 미륵보살 - 彌勒菩薩 - ᠮᠠᠢᠢᠳᠠᠷᠢ ᠠᠰᠠᠷᠠᠯᠲᠤ (written in two vertical lines) - 弥勒御迎 - ဢရီႉမိတ်ႈတေႇယႃႉ - මෛත්‍රී බුදුන් - พระศรีอริยเมตไตรย #བྱམས་པ་ - བྱམས་པ་མགོན་པོ་ - 彌勒菩薩 
'Friend' is the meaning of the foundation-word, but some of its extended meanings include "World-Teacher."


That may be different from 'the Maitreya' talked about in the video, where it's labeled as "a NWO Anti-Christ False-Jesus."

And the ad does 'redefine' Jesus ... rather than "humanity's saving sacrifice, paying for our sinful nature so that--tho He did not get rid of our sinful nature, for which we still have to die--our loved ones can think we're in Heaven after they dispose of our flesh"; ...

the ad tells us that Christ Jesus was just another 'Enlightened Mentor' like Imam Mahdi, Messiah, Krishna or Maitreya Buddha (a Buddha who--rather than just 'announce his enlightenment (from the peak of a mountain) & then disappear into Nirvana'--tried to make sure his lessons were taught to future seekers (I guess).

This echoes my idea (which I read about in a Nichiren Buddhist text) that 'ALL RELIGIONS are forms of "Buddhism"---which is literally "Following the One who Knows (knowing 'what we're here for' and/or 'where we're headed' etc.)"'

So I guess I have to say that--tho I agree with the ad's
 definition of Jesus as 'a World-Teacher'--that does not
 negate the Fact that His Blood paid the price for humanity's
 sinful nature ... True, 'death' is a fate that human flesh
still must suffer; but 'the burden of guilt (for that, at least)'
 will not follow any human's name in the history-books
 or memories.

And the ad does mention how Maitreya's message will be "Peace! "Peace! ..." but---well, the ad then goes into how there Maitreya will teach us how to bring about World Peace through the Principle of Sharing.

The ad says that Maitreya's teaching-method will involve their manifesting through the Occult Method of Overshadowing, usually manifesting as an Avatar ... an Avatar set before one of many Transmission Meditation groups, which "step down" powerful spiritual energies sent to them by the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy (Transmitting that Energy back into an Energy Pool for all Earthlings---a huge network of Light).

I know that sounds "Cult"-y--especially with Maitreya
 specifically admitting they communicate through an
 'Occult Method'--but (if you get past the 'cult'-y-ness of
 it all) you see how it's a lot like Soka Gakkai International's
 (Nichiren Buddhism's)
'Gongyo' or 'Gosho' (I forget
 the name)---the 'masses' where they all focus on 'The Gohonzon' (a
 scroll inscribed with the Sanskrit title for The Lotus Sutra ...an
 Avatar?) and chant the Tibetan Sanskrit of "The
 Lotus Sutra" or -of its title---Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, over-

The ad talks about (or says, "Maitreya says" something about) "Correct Sharing," and I'm reminded of 'The Golden Rule' (which Jesus says ... I don't remember if He says it IS The Second-Greatest Commandment (just as good as the First-Greatest), or if He gives it as 'a way to live a godly life') "Love your fellow humans as you love yourself---do unto others as you would do unto yourself (or -as you would have others do unto you).
