An interminably elongated Story about Birds' "failed" attempt to Down an Airplane because ... @Taboola @WowAppOFFICIAL hope you read to find out, but---long-story-short - #Exotic #Luggage
The ad (in a Taboola chumbox shared on my WowApp-homepage) said " ..." I clicked, because I thought it would tell why.
And it did ... after tons-&-tons (-&-tons-&-tons-&-tons) of yada-yada about 'how the plane was attacked by a swarm of birds' and 'how the pilot masterfully landed the plane' and 'how one of the passengers acted suspiciously' etc. (it was truly interesting--which is why I'm able to remember those storylines--but those are not 'pieces of information' I was there for).
The reason why the birds were attacking--truly touching--is ... probably better to find out about at the end of the article linked through the bold text below (though I'll go ahead and SPOIL it (if those two words aren't SPOILER enough) below the SPOILER ALERT beneath the 'Keep Up'-bar.
The word “Exotic” is built on ancient words that mean "From the Outside (Foreign, Belonging to Another Country ... see |Exo-)" (Unusual or Strange (like a Strip-Teaser or Dancing Girl) from notion of Alien or |Outlandish).
just like #Exoticism #ExoticDancer
The word “Luggage” (Travel-term for "Baggage Belonging to |Passengers") is built of "-|age" & #Lug (to Drag, to Pull (something) |Slowly or with Effort ... possibly -by a |Tuft of the Hair, -by an Ear or -by the Handle of a Pitcher). (So the Travel-term means 'something that must be Lugged around' ... Lug is also a name for a Stupid fellow, |Lout, |Sponger.)
just like #Lugs #Lugged #Lugging #LuggageReturn
#Luggard #LugNut (nut closed at one end as a cap)
#Luggard #LugNut (nut closed at one end as a cap)
The swarming flock is trying to save a box full of their exotic brethren, which a passenger is trying to smuggle in his luggage.
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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