Why Does @Jeopardy #Tease us so with another Flash of Dr. @MissMayim? (that's #MayimBialik) | @MSN @GoodHousekeepingMAG #Teasing #Teased #Teaser

My Microsoft Start 'tool' "alerted" me to "news" that (it said) would 'excite' Mayim Bialik-fans, and I thought, 'Oh, so they finally gave her the job she's been guest-subbing & temping for; right?'

Wrong ... maybe; Microsoft Start sees how Good Housekeeping explains Jeopardy!'s next 'Peek of Dr. Bialik' in a report linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Tease (\ #Teasingly #Teasers #BrainTeaser)” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Pluck, Pull Apart, |Tear, |Comb" (built on the same foundations as "to Draw, |Scratch, Pick Wool" ... |Fiber-|Straightening sense-extended to Hair|dressing & -evolving to the (usually Good-Humored) |Vexing, Worrying or Annoying sense).

